Scout Programs
Let WRWA help you meet your boy & girl scout badge requirements. We are happy to customize programs based on your need.

Ecosystem Explorations
Head to the ecosystem of your choice to explore for critters, tracks, and more. Play games that teach about animal adaptations. Choose a forest, beach, marsh, or dune system.
Animal Signs & Senses
Use your senses during this field and forest hiking adventure while you search for animal signs. Learn how animal senses are similar and sometimes very different than our own through games and crafts.

Into the Woods
Learn about the amazing benefits of trees, how they communicate with each other, and why they are important for animals and other organisms. In this program we learn the parts of a tree and how they grow by building a tree puzzle together. Then we'll head out on the trail to try to identify local species using leaves, needles or bark.
All About Bugs
We'll have fun catching some six-legged friends while we explore around the River Center with hand nets and other collecting gear. Learn what makes a bug a bug and why they are so important for healthy habitats.

The Secret of Seeds
Discover how seeds grow into plants and the many ways they spread through the environment. Participate in a seed match up activity and search for seeds along outdoor trails. Learn how we can help provide healthy soils for plants through worm composting.
Night Hike
Explore a trail at night with WRWA and test your color vision, learn how our eyes work in the dark, try a short solo hike if you dare, listen for animals, and learn about animals that light up during a minty snack. We'll end the program with a laser tour of the constellations if weather permits.

Program Fees
$5/child, Minimum fee of $60 per 1 hour program
Night Hike $10/child, Minimum fee of $100 per 1 hour program
For questions and to schedule your program, please contact:
Kim Botelho, Education Director
508-636-3016 ext. 1006, WEP@WRWA.com