River Day Sponsorship
We are pleased to celebrate our annual River Day. This year River Day will be on Saturday June 22nd from 10am – 2pm at the Head of Westport Town Landing.
River Day will feature interesting and unusual activities that will reflect much of Westport culture and traditions as well as important environmental preservation organizations. There will be many fun activities for all ages, and we hope we can count on your sponsorship.
There will be many fun activities for all ages, and we hope we can count on your sponsorship.
Traditional Native American presentations, and participatory drum circle
Information booths celebrating the environment and Westport’s heritage.
Interactive exhibits by Westport River Watershed Alliance.
Kids’ activities - arts & crafts, wee boats, old-fashioned games and more.
Good food and lots of fun.
Local vendors, exhibitors and good-time musicians
We offer sponsorships at three levels: $500 (logo on posters, bold listing on t-shirt), $250 (bold listing on poster and t-shirt) and $100 (listings on posters and t-shirt).
River Day attracts as many as 1,000 local visitors who come to celebrate and enjoy our River. We expect an enthusiastic turnout again this year! Your sponsorship will put your business name on the River Day posters that are distributed throughout the watershed, printed on the back of the commemorative River Day T-shirt, and on our website.
We hope you will help us by being a sponsor of this wonderful Westport tradition.